Eks Direktur YLBHI Desak BPK dan KPK Periksa Dugaan Bisnis Tes PCR Luhut dan Erick Thohir

Suara.com -?Mantan Direktur Publikasi dan Pendidikan Publik YLBHI Agustinus Edy Kristianto mendesak pemerintah melakukan audit terhadap penyelenggaraan tes Covid-19 di Indonesia.

Agus menyebut Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK), Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU), untuk segera bergerak memeriksa sejumlah bisnis tes Covid-19.

Epidemiolog: Penerapan PCR untuk Perjalanan Timbulkan Masalah Baru

Jakarta, IDN Times?- Epidemiolog Griffith University Australia, Dicky Budiman, menilai penerapan syarat?Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) untuk perjalanan bukan sesuatu yang darurat. Ia menilai aturan tersebut malah menimbulkan masalah baru. “Jadi penempatan strategi testing PCR ini bukan menyelesaikan masalah, tetapi menimbulkan masalah baru,” ujar Dicky dalam live Instagram LaporCovid-19, Selasa (2/11/2021).

Military Intervension in Handling the Pandemic


Military Intervention in Handling COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Imposition of Problems in the Management of Health Care, Public Behaviour, and Social Assistance

Military Involvement in the COVID-19 Management in Indonesia

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indonesian Government involved the military institution in responding to the emerging outbreak and taking control of the situation, to ensure that COVID-19 cases are handled through organised, systemic managerial mechanism. This therefore involved the creation of COVID-19 task force consisting mostly of military personnel (see figure 1) which historically has an institutionalised form of control and management in carrying out their tasks.

The structure of the Covid-19 Task Force, which detailed in Presidential Decree No. 7/2020 and its amendments in Presidential Decree No. 9/2020, is heavily militarised, evident in the number of military personnels structuring the organisation, which although having tracked records in handling natural disasters, however, little is known about the management in the emerging diseases and illness, such as COVID-19. LaporCOVID-19 argues that more involvement from the healthcare personnel is required to instigate a more public health-centric approach in the management of emerging outbreak, which should also be reflected in its ad-hoc organisations’ personnel created by the central government.

Militarised Authority in Managing COVID-19: Some examples

Medical practitioners in the primary, community and secondary level of care are the first point of contact to handle, manage and administer resources to handle COVID-19 cases. Due to the overwhelming cases and demands for care, the central government was propelled to respond to COVID-19 outbreak with military-dominated COVID-19 task force that holds more authority, discretion in conducting health-related tasks, than health practitioners. The tasks include doing the following:

• Close contact tracing officers from the Indonesia Military Bodies (TNI), especially Babinsa, are less effective, considering the fact that they need more trainings from the staff at the Primary Healthcare Centres
• Mobile RT-PCR test and Covid-19 drugs by Indonesia State Intelligence (BIN)
• Enforcement of Health Protocols by TNI/POLRI, accompanied by physical sanctions.
• Organizing Vaccination Centres by TNI/POLRI.

While such military approach is usual and yields results in other countries, however, this conduct of mechanism often results in the conflict of interests and risk of corruption. For instance, in the vaccination delivery services by TNI/POLRI, LaporCOVID-19 found a report on the vaccines being delegated to the non-vulnerable communities and in fact are commercialised.

The ineffectiveness of Military-Focussed Management in the Enforcement of Health Protocols

During the period from July 2020 to April 2021, LaporCovid-19 received 1,096 citizen reports regarding non-compliance with health protocols by the public, despite the deployment of the TNI/POLRI in monitoring, conducing surveillance and punishing those who are not adhering to the health protocols regimes.

The ineffectiveness of such approach can be traced back from the fact that corporeal punishment is not enforcing enough and only serves as an embarrassment for the public to witness, but it does not make people to internalise values and awareness within oneself on the importance of adhering to the health procotols. High-ranking officials complicates the issue by organising activities that gather large crowds but are not given sanctions by the authorities. These discriminatory practices towards non-compliances, such that high-ranking officials are imposed impunity, while others are not, further prompting apathetical attitudes on the public health protocols adherence.

Perpetuating Violence

Physical sanctions for those violating health protocols include forcing people to do push-ups or sleep in the coffins and using water cannons to disperse the crowds. Beatings, torture, and excessive mass dispersal are also evident in some cases. In addition, military personnel was allowed to carry out repressive measures:

• Repressively terminating contracts of health workers at Wisma Atlet RSDC (Emergency Isolation Centres) who voiced their rights to incentives being violated, such that they are not getting paid while working in the Wisma Atlet
• The arrests of protesters voicing out their critical concerns on the unaccountable policies issued during pandemic. They were directed to assemble in a crowded space, such as a police car, thus have no place to keep a distance and were often ask to not wear the masks.



Multitude of Problematic Situations in the Administering of COVID-19 vaccines

  1. COVID-19 vaccines are not administered to the vulnerable communities

In mid-August 2021, more than 53 million Indonesians received the first dose of the vaccine, and at least 27 million people received the second dose. However, the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia is marked with unfair access, that the vulnerable and marginalised communities are facing obstacles in getting vaccines.

    • Vulnerable Groups Must Be Prioritized

Determining which vulnerable groups should be prioritised to get vaccination indeed  depends on the  current limited supply of vaccines, in accordance to the World Health Organisation’s guidelines. Who are then these prioritized, vulnerable groups?

      • Stage I
        • Health workers, especially those who handle Covid-19 directly.
        • Seniors
      • Stage II
        • Residents with Comorbidities
        • Sociodemographic group with significantly higher risk of severe illness or death.
        • Educators and Education
      • Stage III
        • Public Officer (essential to public service)
        • Public service
        • Pregnant mother
        • Community groups who have essential jobs outside of public officials.

The Indonesian government does not seem to pay attention to these WHO guidelines. The government actually provides Covid-19 vaccinations for groups that are not a priority, such as celebrities, artists, to members of the DPR and their families, before priority groups get it.


Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20210226102721-20-611185/vaksinasi-dpr-dan-keluarga-tertutup-jurnalis-dilarang-liput

2. Asymmetric Information

Extending the discussion beyond the vulnerable communities, wider  citizens in fact did not get the a full, complete information regarding COVID-19 vaccination, especially regarding:

    • How to access Covid-19 vaccine (registration & scheduling),
    • Management of AEFIs (contacts, handling and results)


    • There are doubts about vaccine safety, effectiveness, side effects, whether it is halal, and others.
    • Some residents are still having trouble finding health facilities that provide vaccination services
    • This is exacerbated by the existence of domicile provisions as a prerequisite when registering for Covid-19 vaccinations.

3. Disproportionate Sanctions on the Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination

The application of sanctions for delaying the distribution of or terminating social assistance is inappropriate and violates the 1945 Constitution and Law 36/2009 on Health, where everyone has the right to independently determine the type of health service and treatment according to their needs. Vaccines also cannot be used as other administrative requirements, such as for process administration for issuing a letter of good behavior by policy (SKCK), certification from the Village leaders, Citizen ID card.

Fulfillment of social security and public services is also a citizen’s right and cannot be limited because they do not participate in the Covid-19 vaccination. Instead, the addressing such asymmetrical information should be the government response in order to expand vaccine coverages.


4. Corporate Vaccination Scheme

Corporate Vaccination Scheme has three main problems:

    1. Violating the constitutional mandate, that the state is responsible for the provision of proper health care facilities and public service facilities. While public-private partnership is often evident, however, this privatisation risks having the vulnerable communities neglected and brings more unequal outcomes in the delivery of care, especially during the pandemic.
    2. Manipulating herd immunity terminology. Herd Immunity can only be achieved more quickly if vaccinations are given according to the priority of vulnerability, as well as ease and equality of access to those communities
    3. Inconsistent policy instruments: making the vaccine free, but also commercialising it to the corporates. In December 2020, President Jokowi stated that the Covid-19 vaccine was provided free of charge to the entire community. In fact, the government actually organizes Mutual Cooperation for Private Vaccinations and Individual Paid Vaccinations. Recently, Individual Paid Vaccination was revoked after pressure from the community.

Social Safety Net Corruption Risk

In 2020, the government launched six social safety net (Jaring Pengaman Sosial/JPS) programs to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on economically marginalized groups. These include:

  • Additional recipients of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH, a support in the form of cash and basic necessities intended for pregnant women to school children),
  • Food card,
  • Pre-Employment Card (Kartu Prakerja),
  • electricity subsidies,
  • additional market and logistics operations,
  • relief on credit payments for informal workers.

JPS budget in 2020 reaches at least IDR 203.90 trillion


Problems Keep Recurring in the Management of Social Assistance

However, JPS was unable to fully reach the people affected by the pandemic. As a result, there are still many impacted citizens who have not received social assistance because:

  • Inadequate information about the registration
  • Poor data collection
  • Uneven distribution of social aid
  • Poor quality of social assistance


Corruption is Everywhere


The corruption of social assistance funds by Juliari Batubara is seen as the peak of the problem emerged from the lack of transparency in distributing and procuring social assistance. This corrupt practice can actually also be found in smaller units of governance, including neighbourhood units, community units, village officials, and third parties distributing social assistance to regional heads. They use their authority and take advantage of loopholes in the lack of supervision and transparency of social services to enable such corrupted practices.

The politicization of social assistance funds, especially during the 2020 Regional Head Elections and the practice of corruption, collusion, and nepotism are rampant.


Source:: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2020/05/01/10420321/bawaslu-bansos-covid-19-ditempeli-foto-petahana-indikasi-politisasi


People are Still Having Trouble

The government decided to continue implement JPS service program in the 2021 Fiscal year. However, in its implementation, citizens were still complaining via citizen report about the same pattern of problem emerging in 2020, such as data disintegration, poor quality of social aid, and uneven distribution. This mal-administrative situation will make it more difficult for citizens to get their right to social protection, especially during restrictions on community activities and the difficulty of finding work or layoffs.

This press release is available to download by this link.

Failures in Saving Lives and Protecting Citizen’s Personal Data


Failures in Saving Lives and Protecting Citizen’s Personal Data


After reports of COVID-19 patients’ data being sold, now allegedly, there are data leaks of the data from eHAC and even the President’s vaccine certificate. How far our data security goes?

Following points are translation for points inside the graph)

  • 29 March 2020 > Thousands of data belonging to people who received the 2020 Covid-19 social aid in Tegal City were made available by the local government (Pemda).
  • 20 May 2020 > Database that contained 230.000 Covid-19 patients’ data was breached and traded on internet forums.
  • 15 July 2020 > Thousands of data belonging to people who received the 2020 Covid-19 social aid in Southern Tangerang City were made available by the local government (Pemda).
  • 16 September 2020 > 279 million data of Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS) members (including the ones who already passed away) were being traded in hacker’s online forums.
  • 12 May 2021> Thousands of data belonging to those who received the 10th stage of Micro Business Productive Assistance (BPUM) were opened by local governments in 2020.
  • 7 June 2021 > 8.797.669 data from citizens who lived in 4 districts were hacked.
  • 15 July 2021> Ministry of Health’s application, eHAC had their user’s data left without protection.

The Reoccurrence of Events

This is not the first the government has failed to protect its citizen’s data. In May 2020, the government was troubled with the leakage of Covid-19 patient data that was being sold on the internet. This time data from the eHAC, an application specialized for testing and tracing for Covid-19, is reported to be leaked. Repeated data leaks have signalled that the government has yet to seriously ensure the security of each citizen’s identity and their own digitalized personal data. Although the digitalization process has been done and dusted, there are still incidents that have shown that digital infrastructures are not fully prepared yet.

Patient Covid-19 Data were Traded in May 2020

About 230.000 databases of Covid-19 patients in Indonesia are reportedly known to be traded on internet forums such as Raid Forum in May 2020. Some of those data are personal data and data referred to the patient’s condition.

Personal Data of Social Aid Receivers are Openly Accessible

Instead of providing transparency in social aid management, several local governments offered open access to the personal private information of its citizen who received social aid for those who were affected by Covid-19 instead. Such data varied from full name, citizenship registry number (NIK), address, phone number and so on; these data were supposed to be protected and secured. The accessibility of this personal information is undoubtedly susceptible to ill-intents and abuse.

  • Thousands of data of those who received Stage 10 of BPIM in West Kalimantan in 2020
  • Data of those who received Covid-19 Social Aid in Southern Tangerang City in 2020
  • Data of Arrangement for Covid-19 Social Aid distribution of citizens in Tegal City in 2020.

An Unsecured Server Led to 8.797.669 Citizens’ Data Being Hacked.

This is not the first flaw in the government’s electronic system. Ministry of Home Affairs (KEMENDAGRI) acknowledged that four serves belonging to the Office of Population and Registry in Magelang District, Subang District, Kota Bogor, and Bekasi District were hacked. In the aftermath, data belonged to the citizens who lived in those areas to be leaked. This gives a sign that the government’s infrastructure for digital security is feeble and prone to hackers.

279 Million Data of the Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS) were Leaked

A year after Covid-19 patients’ data were leaked, we were shocked by the alleged data leak of 279 million Indonesian citizens. In which the data that were revealed included full name, identity card (KTP), phone numbers, emails, identity registration number (NID), and home address from Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS). Our data were sold in the same forum for worth up to hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Ministry of Health’s application, eHAC users’ data were left without protection.

Security Research Team from vpnMentor exposed the fragility of the data of those who use the eHAC application. This data leak affected its users and revealed the whole infrastructure surrounding the eHAC application itself, including private notes from hospitals and Indonesian government officials who also used that application. Before this, the citizens were highly encouraged to use the government-owned application, although there were barely any explanations or guarantees for its security.

Contradictory Logic

  • Citizen’s data are supposed to be protected and secure, are in fact, being left available without security measures.
  • Data for testing in each district or city are supposed to be made available to the public for epidemiologic purposes and are not accessible instead.
  • Data for vaccines budget management and budget absorption, medical devices and equipment procurement and economic recovery are being covered up instead.
  • Data regarding Post Immunization Adverse Events (KIPI) are supposed to be announced, and on the contrary, those data were not conveyed to the public.

Government’s Responsibilities

Unfortunately, these data leakages may keep reoccurring as long as the data management is not carefully managed and the data security aspect is overlooked. The government can not be absent regarding the security of their citizen’s data. Leaking personal data to the public comes with the consequences of triggering criminal activities that may threaten people’s safety and security. This also includes discrimination toward people with diseases considered taboo by the masses.


Therefore, LaporCovid-19 urges the government to:

  1. Ensure the preparedness of digital infrastructures measurements that are safe and secured.
  2. Ensure that the personal data of every citizen is safe from any digital crimes.
  3. Open public access to transparent data surveillance.
  4. Make it accessible for people to see the data for the Covid-19 emergency budget and budget absorptions from vaccines, medical equipment, and devices, as well as other economic recovery measures.


This press release is available to download by this link 

Epidemiolog: Tes PCR Strategi Urgent di Dalam Negeri untuk Syarat Transportasi

Merdeka.com -?Dalam waktu singkat, pemerintah beberapa kali mengubah harga dan syarat wajib tes Covid-19 untuk perjalanan saat ini. Dari situ mulai muncul polemik saat penumpang pesawat diwajibkan tes polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sementara moda transportasi lain tidak. Ditambah lagi terkait dengan harga tes PCR yang masih terbilang tinggi.