LaporCovid-19: Angka Kematian Berlebih di Jawa Naik 10 Kali Lipat Saat COVID-19 Melonjak Bulan Juli

JAKARTA – Koalisi warga?LaporCovid-19 mencatat terjadi kenaikan kematian berlebih sampai 10 kali lipat di Pulau Jawa, saat lonjakan kasus COVID-19 terjadi pada bulan Juli 2021. Hal ini diketahui berdasarkan riset kematian berlebih (excess death) dengan pengambilan sampling di sejumlah desa Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DI Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Timur.

LaporCovid-19 Beberkan Ada Keluarga Elite yang Divaksin Booster di Kantor Swasta Jakarta

JAKARTA – Koalisi warga LaporCovid-19 mendapat laporan dari warga mengenai adanya vaksinasi dosis ketiga (booster) untuk para keluarga pejabat elite dan aparat di salah satu perkantoran swasta di Jakarta. Berdasarkan undangan yang dilaporkan warga anonim kepada LaporCovid-19, vaksinasi booster COVID-19 ini menggunakan jenis Moderna.

Testimoni Bergabung Relawan LaporCovid-19


Testimoni Bergabuung Relawan LaporCovid-19

Oleh Firdaus Ferdiansyah

Menarik Sekali!!

Kiranya itulah kata pertama ketika bergabung dengan -yang bahkan sampai hari ini aku masih kerap kali bergumam pada diri sendiri soal kondisi di dalamnya. Entah itu iklim kerjanya, atau bahkan soal data-data yang menjadi makanan sehari hari para relawan penggerak Saya tertarik ikut ketika daerah saya yaitu Kota Tegal menjadi salah satu kota yang dinyatakan aman dengan nol kasus yang justru membuat saya ragu. Pada saat itu, saya kerap kali membaca narasi adanya perbedaan data atau keanehan data pada data yang dimiliki Gugus Tugas COVID-19 dari BNPB. Meskipun demikian, tentu saya sangat senang dan bersyukur kalau memang tidak ada lagi kasus baru di Kota Tegal.

Saya memulai bergerak pada tanggal 19 Mei 2020-kira kira begitu terlihat dari jejak input data daerah dengan 3 kota/kabupaten yang diberikan oleh Koordinator Relawan Mba Cici. 2 dari Provinsi Kepulauan Riau yaitu Kabupaten Karimun dan Kabupaten Bintan dan Kota Metro di Provinsi Lampung. Pada tanggal 31 Mei 2020, saya ketambahan 4 daerah dari Provinsi Sumatera Utara yang menjadi pantauan saya untuk melakukan input data yaitu Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, Kabupaten Simalungun, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, dan Kabupaten Toba Samosir sehingga total ada 7 daerah yang menjadi pantauan saya tiap harinya.

Kira kira baru berjalan 2 hari di , saya baru menyadari ada sesuatu yang ga beres soal data COVID-19 di daerah tersebut. Melihat perkembangan di WAG pun saya pikir tidak hanya saya saja yang mengalaminya. Hampir semua relawan penggerak memiliki temuan dan problematikanya masing masing.

Kali ini saya ingin menceritakan apa yang menjadi kesadaran saya dalam menemukan beberapa persoalan data tentang COVID-19 terkhususnya data ODP, PDP, dan kasus positif di daerah.

Yang pertama adalah tidak adanya mekanisme khusus dalam pelaporan data COVID-19 secara nasional sehingga masing masing daerah memiliki perbedaan persepsi dalam melaporkan data tentang COVID-19 ke publik melalui website atau official account mereka masing masing. Ini tidak mengherankan apabila kita memiliki perbedaan tampilan pada website masing masing, dan yang menarik ketika terjadi perbedaan data antara pemerintah kota/kabupaten dengan pemerintah provinsi. Perbedaan seperti ini pun dapat dilihat dari berbagai daerah, dan terjadi tidak hanya satu dua kali.

Yang kedua tidak semua pemerintah daerah melalui website-nya masing masing melakukan update di tiap harinya. Ini tentu menyulitkan saya yang berupaya melakukan update di tiap harinya. Mungkin terlihat sepele, namun bisa dibayangkan betapa kurang komprehensifnya pemerintah ketika melakukan kajian khususnya mengenai epidemiologi tanpa mengikutsertakan data secara lengkap.

Beberapa temuan lain seperti yang coba saya temukan pada daerah Tanah Bambu, Kalimantan Selatan dimana tanggal 19 Mei dilaporkan terdapat 209 ODP aktif, 2 PDP aktif, 47 Positif COV, 5 Sembuh. Laporan selanjutnya yaitu tanggal 21 Mei terdapat 97 ODP aktif, 1 PDP aktif, 100 positif COV, dan 5 sembuh. Ini menimbulkan anomali data dimana selisih ODP yaitu 106 tidak dapat diketahui kejelasannya mengingat selisih positif adalah 53 dan selisih PDP aktif hanya 1.

Atau temuan saya yang lain pada daerah Barito Kuala, Kalimantan Selatan; tanggal 14 Mei dilaporkan terdapat 17 ODP Aktif, 1 PDP aktif, 42 Positif COV. Laporan selanjutnya yaitu tanggal 15 Mei terdapat 12 ODP aktif, 1 PDP aktif, 50 positif COV. Ini menimbulkan anomali data dimana selisih ODP yaitu 5 terlalu sedikit dibandingkan dengan selisih data positif yaitu 8. 3 orang lainnya entah muncul dari mana (atau justru kasus yang belum terdeteksi)

Tanpa mengurangi rasa kemanusiaan, saya memang tidak bermaksud hanya menganggap pasien COVID-19 atau kematian itu hanya sebagai data statistik. Namun, jauh lebih dari itu data ini semestinya dapat dijadikan tolak ukur dalam pengembangan dan pengambilan kebijakan oleh pemerintah untuk menentukan langkah strategis selanjutnya berdasar kepercayaan terhadap sains. Penanganan pandemi COVID-19 berdasar kepercayaan terhadap sains tentu memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi seperti halnya yang diperlihatkan oleh pemerintah Taiwan yang memiliki Wakil Presiden yang juga seorang epidemiolog.

The Controversy Over A Third Dose Of The Covid-19 Vaccination




Since its arrival in early August 2021, a booster dose of the Moderna vaccine has been a bone of contention for several parties. Will the Pfizer vaccine, which arrived recently, have the same fate? The ongoing debate about vaccines in the middle of an uncontrollable pandemic is a huge irony for humanity. Many communities and areas have reported stock shortages.


Source: Jakarta Globe


The Ministry of Health responds to the issue of Moderna vaccines being contested in several regions.

At that time, the Health Ministry vaccination spokesperson did not refute the news that the Moderna vaccine was being contested by several officials in the region as a third booster dose. Despite being aware, no firm action has been taken by the Ministry of Health. As a result, some officials have received a third booster dose of the Moderna vaccine. (Source: CNN Indonesia)

A Tardy Reaction

The claim made by the Ministry of Health was too late. The distribution of the Moderna vaccine should have been rigorously regulated from the start.


Weak supervision

On August 13, 2021, the Ministry of Health declared that Moderna is exclusively allocated as a third vaccine dose for healthcare workers and those who have never received a vaccine before.

The provision of a third vaccine dose to non-healthcare workers demonstrates the Ministry of Health’s lack of oversight. The Ministry of Health Circular Letter HK. 02.01/I/1919/2021 expressly states that the third dose of vaccine is exclusively allocated to healthcare workers.

Furthermore, according to circular letter SR.02.06II/2025/2021 point 3, the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine is given to those who have never received a Covid-19 vaccination before.


Source: Tempo

Will the Pfizer vaccine have the same fate as Moderna? It has become a bone of contention for many individuals, while residents have been ignored.

According to LaporCovid-19, the central government does not yet have complete control over vaccine distribution to the regions. Local governments, on the other hand, must improve the vaccination process and objectives.

If you experience or hear about any misuse of vaccines, please report it to the LaporCovid-19 chatbot on menu number 6!



This press release is available to download by this link.

Care for Covid-19 patients: What! People have to pay?


Care for Covid-19 patients: What! People have to pay?


When the spike in Covid-19 cases occurred, all hospitals were caring for a lot of Covid-19 patients. Not a small proportion of these patients were charged a large fee after treatment. Previously, the Government through the Ministry of Health had stated that payment for the treatment of Covid-19 patients would be borne by the government. But why are there still hospitals charging a fee?

My younger sibling was Covid-19 positive and received care for 3 weeks at Regional Public Hospital **** *******, up to the point that my sibling entered ICU and required a ventilator. Because of my siblings critical condition, the doctor recommended that my sibling was given the drug Gammaraas. Because that treatment was not provided at the aforementioned hospital, we as a family tried to get the drug, which actually costs as much as Rp 220 million (US$15,300), for as many as 55 vials of Gammarass. What I want to ask is, what is the process to request reimbursement or to claim the cost of this expensive Covid-19 drug?

My mother, on 28 June 2021, died as a consequence of Covid-19 and had been cared for at a hospital in Jakarta for more or less 10 days. Now the fee from the hospital has been issued and weve been hit with a fee of around Rp 600 million (US$41,760), which includes treatment, medicine, and the ventilator, and other things.

My mother went to one of the public hospitals in Surabaya after she was confirmed as Covid-19 positive. On 19 July she was permitted to go home by the doctor. The hospital said that the Ministry of Health would only reimburse Rp 7 million (US$487) / a day for the care of Covid-19 patients. This only covers 60% of the total fee for care at the hospital. I want to get clarification, is it correct that the government only covers Rp 7 million a day? Because the government covers all of the fees for care of Covid-19 patients at other public hospitals, I ask that the government or any other stakeholders have the empathy to follow up on this matter.

Hello, sorry our aunt just died this morning due to Covid-19 Im only asking for your help to keep fighting for those who are still struggling today, especially those that dont have easy access to free Covid-19 treatment like in Java.

There are many deaths each day outside of Java. Could it be because they dont have as much money to get adequate treatment. – Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan (14 August 2021)

Government has already violated the right to health of citizens, which is stipulated in:

  1. Paragraph 28 H Article (1) The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945
    Every person has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live, and to have a good and healthy living environment and have the right to obtain health services
  2. Paragraph 19 Law Number 36 Year 2009 concerning Health Government is responsible for the provision of all forms of health efforts which are quality, safe, efficient and affordable.
  3. Paragraph 8 Law Number 6 Year 2018 concerning Health Quarantine Every person has the right to basic health services according to their medical needs.

There are already technical instructions for hospital claims. Why are people still being charged Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK No. 59/2016) concerning the Exemption of fees for patients of certain emerging infections, the fee for patients being treated for certain emerging infectious diseases including Covid-19 should be able to be claimed to the Ministry of Health.

Minister of Health Decision (KMK No. HK.01.07/MENKES/4344/2021) concerning Technical Instructions for Reimbursement Claims for the Treatment of Patients with Certain Emerging Infectious Diseases for hospitals which are providing Covid-19 services.

Lapor Covid-19 (Report Covid-19) urges that:

  1. The Government ensures that there are no Covid-19 patients that are asked to pay for treatment and medicine while being cared for at a hospital.
  2. The Government improves the claim system for hospitals that provide Covid-19 services which guarantees all payment for medicine and treatment of all people with Covid-19 in all hospitals/ community health centres, and other health facilities in accordance with the Constitution, Health Law and Health Quarantine Law.
  3. Government and health facilities need to provide clear information to people concerning payment for Covid-19 patients. Peoples reports show that hospital payment is chaotic. People are not being given appropriate and clear information concerning the rules for hospital payment.
  4. Government needs to ensure the provision of medicine and health facilities which are easily accessible and affordable, especially during a pandemic.


Have you been charged by a hospital for Covid-19 treatment?
Report it to Whatsapp BOT LaporCovid-19 on Whatsapp: or Telegram: and then select menu number 3 to register a complaint related to hospital payment.




This press release is available to download by this link

Masyarakat Somasi Pemerintah Terkait Pembelajaran Tatap Muka

JAKARTA, KOMPAS ? Pembelajaran tatap muka yang mulai dibuka di sejumlah daerah dengan mengacu pada pemberlakuan?pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat level 1-3 dinilai membahayakan kesehatan dan keselamatan anak serta ekosistem di sekolah. Pemerintah diminta serius mendukung pembelajaran yang lebih aman berbasis keluarga dan komunitas atau inovasi pendidikan lainnya daripada memaksakan PTM terbatas di sekolah di tengah pandemi Covid-19.

Organisasi Ini Kritisi PTM Terbatas, Kirim Surat Terbuka kepada Presiden

Adapun delapan lembaga yang tergabung dalam aliansi ialah Arek Lintang (ALIT) Indonesia, AMAR Law Firm & Public Interest Law Office (AMAR), Forum Aksi Guru Indonesia (FAGI), Forum Orang Tua Siswa (Fortusis), Hakasasi, Laporcovid19, Lokataru, dan Surabaya Children Crisis Center (SCCC). Melalui somasi ini, koalisi memina pemerintah meninjau kembali kebijakan PTM terbatas dalam waktu 14 hari.