Jakarta, 3 Oktober 2021 – Koalisi Selamatkan Anak Indonesia sampaikan surat desakan beserta kertas kebijakan kepada pemerintah untuk meninjau ulang kebijakan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas (PTMT). Koalisi Selamatkan Anak adalah Koalisi interdisipliner dan antar profesi yang berfokus pada keselamatan anak dan keberlanjutan pendidikan di Indonesia selama pandemi Covid-19.
Category Archives: Kajian dan Pengembangan
Laporan Pemutakhiran Data Advokasi Insentif dan Santunan Jilid VI Periode 1 Agustus 2021 hingga 2 September 2021
Laporan ini berisi pemutakhiran data keenam penerimaan insentif tenaga kesehatan di Indonesia. LaporCovid-19 bersama organisasi profesi kesehatan dan Indonesia Corruption Watch mengumpulkan data penerimaan insentif dan santunan kepada tenaga kesehatan selama pandemi berjalan sejak awal 2021.
Why is the Healthcare Booster Vaccine Is Slow?
The Booster vaccine, which has been intended for health workers, is in fact too slow to be pursued. The target of 1.4 million booster vaccines for health workers is progressing slowly, even though it has been distributed to health workers since July 14, 2021.
Vaccines [are said to] Have Been Provided to Regions, But Where Have They Gone?
On August 24 2021, the Head of the Communication and Public Service Bureau of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Widyawati, stated that each district/city should still have approximately 25 million vaccine doses. This estimation is based on data indicating that 116.4 million vaccines have already been distributed to regions as of August 24, 2021. Furthermore, the government has 5.8 million COVID-19 vaccine doses on hand, which will be distributed to the regions soon.
It Is Increasingly Clear and Blatant That Non-Healthcare Workers are Receiving Boosters
From a Whatsapp message which was intended as an invitation to a number of people, the Moderna vaccine booster will be given to non-healthcare workers and will be done in a building on Jenderal Sudirman Street, Jakarta.
Pelaksanaan PON di Papua tidak Mementingkan Aspek Epidemiologis
24 September 2021 Walau di tengah pandemi Covid-19, Pekan Olahraga Nasiona (PON) secara resmi akan tetap dilaksanakan pada 2 Oktober – 15 Oktober 2021 dengan total 44 cabang olahraga, 679 pertandingan yang tersebar di 4 kota dan kabupaten di Provinsi Papua.
The Controversy Over A Third Dose Of The Covid-19 Vaccination
Since its arrival in early August 2021, a booster dose of the Moderna vaccine has been a bone of contention for several parties. Will the Pfizer vaccine, which arrived recently, have the same fate? The ongoing debate about vaccines in the middle of an uncontrollable pandemic is a huge irony of humanity. Many communities and areas have reported stock shortages.
Care for Covid-19 patients: What! People have to pay?
When the spike in Covid-19 cases occurred, all hospitals were caring for a lot of Covid-19 patients. Not a small proportion of these patients were charged a large fee after treatment. Previously, the Government through the Ministry of Health had stated that payment for the treatment of Covid-19 patients would be borne by the government. But why are there still hospitals charging a fee?
Tunda Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Hingga Positivity Rate di Bawah 5 Persen
30 Agustus 2021 Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, Nadiem Makarim, telah mencanangkan pembelajaran tatap muka di wilayah yang menerapkan PPKM Level 1 sampai 3. Namun, pembelajaran tatap muka itu berpotensi menimbulkan persoalan karena dilaksanakan di tengah kondisi penularan yang belum benar-benar terkendali dan capaian vaksinasi yang relatif masih rendah.
Somasi Terbuka Vaksin Booster
Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas kami memberikan kesempatan kepada Presiden RI dan Menteri Kesehatan RI selama 7 (tujuh) hari untuk:
1. Membuka data daftar penerima vaksin III/booster;
2. Membuka data jumlah dosis vaksin yang tersedia dan akan tersedia, pemegang impor vaksin tersebut dan rencana penyalurannya.